
Showing posts from April, 2022

Health Care Reform Made Simple

My name is John Ross and I have spent my entire 4JUdGzvrMFDWrUUwY3toJATSeNwjn54LkCnKBPRzDuhzi5vSepHfUckJNxRL2gjkNrSqtCoRUrEDAgRwsQvVCjZbRyFTLRNyDmT1a1boZVevidence planning, reimbursement applications, and health economics strategies for a number of fortune 500 health care technology businesses. In short, my job was to help the companies that I worked for to understand the health care market place from three important perspectives. The first was to answer the question; "What can we expect to be paid for the medical technologies we are developing and planning to market? The second question; "will the results and/or lower costs associated with the use of these medical technologies justify the payment level we think they deserve? Finally, what product development, marketing and sales strategies do we need to employ to insure that our future medical technologies are quickly accepted by hospitals, physicians, payers and patients? Obviously with such a focus I had to deal with

How Did Health Care Costs Get So High?

First, let's get a little historical perspective on American health care. To do that, let's turn to the American civil war era. In that war, dated tactics and the carnage inflicted by modern weapons of the era combined to cause terrible results. Most of the deaths on both sides of that war were not the result of actual combat but to what happened after a battlefield wound was inflicted. To begin with, evacuation of the wounded moved at a snail's pace in most instances causing severe delays in treatment of the wounded. Secondly, most wounds were subjected to wound related surgeries and amputations and this often resulted in massive infection. So you might survive a battle wound only to die at the hands of medical care providers whose good intentioned interventions were often quite lethal. High death tolls can also be ascribed to everyday sicknesses and diseases in a time when no antibiotics existed. In total something like 600,000 deaths occurred from all causes, over 2

What Is Health Now?

The question in the title is a very important one, and I think all of us should have this question in mind and search for a complete answer. The truth is though, that we only ask about health when we have a serious problem. A official definition of health is given by The World Health Organization who defined health in its broader sense in 1946 as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity". For 1946 it was not a bad definition, but let's face it, times have changed and life has evolved since then, so today we have 2 new aspects of health to consider: emotional health and spiritual health. If we take a step back and try to see the "big picture" we realize that each aspect of health influences the other aspects, for example if someone has an emotional problem it will cause physical problems, spiritual problems, mental problems and social problems too, so it's very important to solve the

Rationing Health Insurance For Texas Has Profound Consequences

Texas houses the world's largest medical campus with 14 hospitals and three medical schools spread across 14 square blocks. The Texas Medical Center draws former first ladies and even Arab sheiks to their high-tech facilities with aquariums and spraying fountains.However, for more than six million Texans without Texas health coverage, these world-class health care institutions remain largely out of reach. Texas is still the state with the highest percentage of population without health coverage. During Governor Rick Perry's tenure, the 24.6 percent uninsured rate boomed to 35 percent this year. In human terms, that translates to one out of three people lacking health insurance for Texas in Harris County, which includes Houston.Dr. Leonard Zwelling, an oncologist at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, expressed it this way: "Houston is such a rich city, with some of the best medical care in the world... And yet the people without insurance have a heck

Affordable Health Insurance Makes Arrangement for Future Health Security

Financial issues are the most crucial and the sensitive issues in life. Everyone wants to save money for which they think of alternatives. In an attempt to curtail the expenses in life, one should not ignore the health care requirements. If in life, a person falls ill or faces any severe health ailment, the medical bills poses as a challenge. Admission to a hospital and seeking treatment is not in everyone's reach today. Any unforeseen event in life results in all savings getting vanished away in mere few days. In such cases the health cover acts as a weapon against uncertain monetary risk.People tend to ignore the beforehand preparation for any health risk. Most of them prefer to pay the hospital expenditure from their pocket. This is the result that they do not realize the relevance of a health cover. The medical treatment cost stands above as compared to the premium cost. An affordable health insurance provides financial security with the benefit of quality treatment.The in

What Will Tennessee Health Insurance Do With Health Care Reform?

A study by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee takes an in-depth assessment of the possible effects that national health care reform could mean for Tennessee residents. The study estimates that 683,000 Tennesseans will get new Tennessee health insurance coverage under health care reform. It also focuses on possible changes in access to medical care, as well as the shift from employer-provided TN health insurance to the state exchange.Dr. Steven Coulter, president of the Tennessee Health Institute, conducted the study entitled "National Health Care Reform: The Impact On Tennessee." According to Coulter, the study explores how the expansion of Medicaid and the establishment of the TN health insurance exchange in 2014 will affect the residents of Tennessee.Coulter says that since the advent of Medicare in 1965, the Patient Protect and Affordable Care Act has been the largest expansion of entitlement programs. "With the expected increase in consumers eligible for Medica

Enjoy the Health Security With the Basic Health Insurance

The health care costs are going beyond the affordability scale for many people. They find it difficult to seek quality medical treatment. The uninsured are more likely to face such challenges as they have to pay the medical expenses from their pocket. The high medical cost makes them lose a major part of their savings. Thus the uninsured gets under the monetary stress whenever fallen in need of health care. The ratio of uninsured being more than the insured, reflects the possibility of higher number of people facing the financial challenge during emergency.In coming years the medical expenses are going to step up further. Thus the quality treatment is going to be highly unaffordable for majority of people. To resolve this critical problem, basic health insurance is an appropriate tool. It plays the role of a rescuer that safeguards people from the monetary strain. It is essential for people to understand the relevance of a health cover. It is of much use for people in case of any

Health Care Through A Health Magazine

How To Take Care Of Health With Health Magazine.If you love yourself then you should keep watch on your health and fitness. You need to understand about your nutrition, fitness, health and food regularly. Health is important for both men and women. Everyone should take of their health to keep fit and healthy.To be fit and health, you have to monitor your fitness regularly. Like you should keep watch on your weight, metabolism, regular blood tests and important things happening around the people you live. You can get updated with all new fitness methods and latest emerging diseases today.Health magazine is the only reliable and good source to guide you on every issue on health. You can know about fitness, exercises, eating patterns and things to improve your overall health. These magazines also include tips for personal care, physical fitness, avoiding injuries, winter and summer wearing guide and how to protect from different viruses.These magazines cover different issues related

Health Care Reform - Let It Come But Be Ready for Change!

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Ten Tips for Comparing Health Care Policies


Tennessee Health Insurance Tips For Employers

According to the 2011 survey conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation, there was a 118 percent increase in the average family premium for covered employees of large businesses and a 103 percent increase for small business firms noted over the past decade. The survey revealed that in Tennessee, only 51 percent of businesses offer health coverage to their employees. The main reason not all businesses are providing health benefits to their workers is because the increasing cost is too much to handle.However, there are two great tips that employers can utilize to reduce their health care costs and bring down Tennessee health insurance premiums.Health Savings Accounts And Health Reimbursement Arrangements For EmployersThe first tip that employers can use is to look into Health Savings Accounts (HSA). Health Savings Accounts were first introduced to the market in 2004. To set up an HSA, you need a qualified high-deductible health plan. Individuals must have a deductible of at least $1,

Health Insurance After Age 50: Not Kid Stuff

When you reach a certain age, your health insurance needs take on a whole new definition. The coverage you purchased when you were a young adult is not adequate for your health care needs after age 50. For many older Australians, health problems develop that are a natural part of the aging process, while for others poor nutrition, lack of exercise, or simply a history of hard living can catch up with our bodies. Adopting a healthy lifestyle later in life is always a good idea, and obtaining good health care coverage is very important.Every Australian can get basic health care through Medicare. But Medicare may not be enough for individuals over 50, since its coverage options are limited and the medical needs of seniors are almost always greater than those of younger people. For this reason, comparing health insurance plans is important when it comes to protecting yourself financially and medically in later life.Seniors face the need for more prescription medications, more surgical

California Health Insurance - Independent Health Life Agent Verses Insurance Company In House Agent

You have just completed an online form requesting a free health insurance quote and moments later you are being inundated with phone calls from insurance agents hoping to get your business. Try not to become overwhelmed or annoyed by these "pesky sales people" because they are really not telemarketers. Most of them are well-trained state licensed professionals who can really help you make a good decision regarding which health plan is best and most affordable for your individual or group coverage needs.You may be under the misconception that if you buy your health plan directly from the insurance company, and cut out the "middle person", you will save money. This is absolutely not the case. In fact, insurance companies rely on agents for most of their business and that's why they pay them commissions for bringing in customers. It does not cost a consumer one penny more to use a licensed California health insurance agent to obtain their insurance coverage.Th

Private Health Insurance Vs Public Care

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Fight Rising Texas Health Insurance Costs

In a statement made by Texas State Representative John Smittee, "You look at the cost of health care in general and it's increasing faster than the cost of living." According to a Commonwealth Fund report, we have seen individual Texas health insurance premiums increase by almost 50 percent in the past eight years. The rise in family and group Texas health insurance plan premiums was even greater. A 2011 survey conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that the cost of giving health benefits to employees increased by 118 percent for large firms and 103 percent for small firms in the past 10 years.Health Savings Accounts Made Available To TexansUnder the "IRC Section 223" or state "Qualifying High Deductible Health Plan," certain high-deductible Texas insurance plans are allowed to pair with a Health Savings Account or HSA. Health Savings Accounts started back in 2004. Since then, there had been an influx in people enrolling in HSA plans. Hea

Allied Health Education Trends - The Changing Landscape Behind the Scenes

With more than 500,000 jobs added since the start of the recession, it's no surprise that allied health fields are forecasted to remain a key source of job growth. Jobs in inpatient and outpatient settings and nurse care facilities will be in high demand and the healthcare support industry (such as medical technicians, physician's assistants and physical therapist assistants) are slated to experience 4JUdGzvrMFDWrUUwY3toJATSeNwjn54LkCnKBPRzDuhzi5vSepHfUckJNxRL2gjkNrSqtCoRUrEDAgRwsQvVCjZbRyFTLRNyDmT1a1boZVinclude a cluster of health professions encompassing as many as 200 health careers. There are 5 million allied health care providers in the United States who work in more than 80 different professions representing approximately 60% of all health care providers. Yet, that number is no match to the number of allied health care workers that are needed to meet current and future needs in America.Highly regarded as experts in their field, allied health professions fall into two

Comparing Health Plans: Elective Surgery Waiting Times

Australia's public health care system strives to ensure that every citizen has access to quality medical services. Although Medicare guarantees every Australian will see a health care practitioner even when no private health plan is in place, waiting times for certain procedures, including elective surgery, can be extremely long.Your health insurance plan offers additional coverage to take care of procedures and expenses not covered by Medicare, and probably allows you to bypass the lengthy waiting periods experienced by individuals who depend solely on Medicare for their health cover. However, different health cover providers offer different waiting time options, which is why it is so important to compare health plans to find the one that best suits your needs and the needs of your family.The Australian government has been trying to address the problem of long waiting times for elective surgery, since so many Australians have no private health cover and depend on Medicare alo

Better Health Today

BETTER HEALTH TODAYWhat Actually Is Health?What Does Good Health Mean?The Old English word for 'health' was simply hale, meaning 'wholeness' or being whole, sound, or well.A more modern definition created by the World Health Organization says that... "health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."More recently the definition presented by the WHO states that health is not a: "state of complete physical, mental and social well-being: Nor is it "merely the absence of disease or infirmity."To fully understand Health and the definitions of Health in our present age one must introduce an era embracing new understanding of disease at the molecular, individual, and societal level. Today, most people recognize Health can be divided into two broad aspects: Physical Health and Mental Health.PHYSICAL HEALTHPhysical Health or physical well-being simply means good body health whi

Who Needs Health Savings Accounts And Health Reimbursement Arrangements?

Employers and the self-employed are using two main strategies to keep the cost of health insurance low and to reduce their taxes. Known as an HSA, a Health Savings Account can make most health care expenses tax deductible, and provide tax-deferred earnings. Individuals and business owners can start an HSA once they purchase a health plan that's certified to be HSA compatible. These plans are available in the individual market for much lower premiums than plans in the group coverage market.Can Health Savings Accounts Be Combined With A HRA?Employers and people who are self-employed if the spouse works in the business may add a Health Reimbursement Arrangement to substantially increase the tax savings available with an HSA alone.To put it simply, a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) is an employer-funded medical reimbursement plan for employees. Someone who is self-employed cannot have an HRA in his or her name, but can reimburse the spouse, who works in the business as a W-

Will Child-Only Georgia Health Insurance Plans Be Restored?

When the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act became law, it changed the way health care was provided for millions of Americans. The health care reform law made several changes in the health insurance industry, but not all of them were intended.One of the unintended changes in the insurance market involved child-only health care policies. In Georgia and other states, as the Affordable Care Act took hold, insurance companies stopped offering this type of healthcare plan.Child-only Georgia health insurance plans are usually bought by parents who have an employer-provided health plan that does not include dependent coverage, or has dependent coverage they just can't afford. Sometimes these plans are bought by parents who can't get health coverage for themselves due to health reasons and still want to provide coverage for their children. And sometimes, these are bought by parents whose income does not qualify for their kids to get coverage under Medicaid or PeachCar

Rewards and Discounts That Private Health Funds Can Provide

When you make the choice to sign up with a private health plan provider, you can benefit from the many advantages that Australians hope to have in their health care plan. You will have a choice of physicians, shorter waiting periods for medical services, and a basic improvement in the quality of health care you receive.Your health insurance fund may also be able to provide you with members-only discounts on varying products or services through your policy. With so many health insurance providers competing for your business, comparing health plans can definitely pay off when you discover the various perks each offers as an incentive to win your business.Additional services - that is, services not covered by Medicare, and perhaps not covered or only partially covered by other private plans - may be part of an incentive package offered to earn your business. For instance, if you would really like to have vision cover in your health insurance plan, it's a great idea to find a prov

Health Insurance For Truck Drivers And Other Health Care Options

It is vitally important that commercial truck drivers have some type of medical care plan due to the high rate of illnesses and injuries that they sustain. Most commercial truck drivers health is not the best and could be improved through better food choices. Typically, many truckers diets consist of far too many unhealthy food choices. High blood pressure, diabetes and obesity are a few of the conditions which require regular medical treatment. Accidents, injuries, heart attacks and strokes are some of the serious conditions which would require drivers to seek emergency room care. Health Insurance for truck drivers would cover these conditions and many more. Health insurance plans differentiate based on whether they provide regular health insurance or major medical health insurance.Regular health insurance covers basic routine procedures. This includes regular exams and routine illnesses. This also includes colds, flu shots, vaccinations, ear infections, minor injuries, etc. It d

Getting Insurance To Pay For Preventive Health Under The ACA

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) mandates that health insurance companies pay for preventive health visits. However, that term is somewhat deceptive, as consumers may feel they can visit the doctor for just a general checkup, talk about anything, and the visit will be paid 100% with no copay. In fact, some, and perhaps most, health insurance companies only cover the A and B recommendations of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. These recommendations cover such topics as providing counseling on smoking cessation, alcohol abuse, obesity, and tests for blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes (for at risk patients), and some cancer screening physical exams. BUT if a patient mentions casually that he or she is feeling generally fatigued, the doctor could write down a diagnosis related to that fatigue and effectively transform the "wellness visit" into a "sick visit." The same is true if the patient mentions occasional sleeplessness, upset stomach, stress, headac