
Health Care Reform Made Simple

My name is John Ross and I have spent my entire 4JUdGzvrMFDWrUUwY3toJATSeNwjn54LkCnKBPRzDuhzi5vSepHfUckJNxRL2gjkNrSqtCoRUrEDAgRwsQvVCjZbRyFTLRNyDmT1a1boZVevidence planning, reimbursement applications, and health economics strategies for a number of fortune 500 health care technology businesses. In short, my job was to help the companies that I worked for to understand the health care market place from three important perspectives. The first was to answer the question; "What can we expect to be paid for the medical technologies we are developing and planning to market? The second question; "will the results and/or lower costs associated with the use of these medical technologies justify the payment level we think they deserve? Finally, what product development, marketing and sales strategies do we need to employ to insure that our future medical technologies are quickly accepted by hospitals, physicians, payers and patients? Obviously with such a focus I had to deal with

How Did Health Care Costs Get So High?

First, let's get a little historical perspective on American health care. To do that, let's turn to the American civil war era. In that war, dated tactics and the carnage inflicted by modern weapons of the era combined to cause terrible results. Most of the deaths on both sides of that war were not the result of actual combat but to what happened after a battlefield wound was inflicted. To begin with, evacuation of the wounded moved at a snail's pace in most instances causing severe delays in treatment of the wounded. Secondly, most wounds were subjected to wound related surgeries and amputations and this often resulted in massive infection. So you might survive a battle wound only to die at the hands of medical care providers whose good intentioned interventions were often quite lethal. High death tolls can also be ascribed to everyday sicknesses and diseases in a time when no antibiotics existed. In total something like 600,000 deaths occurred from all causes, over 2

What Is Health Now?

The question in the title is a very important one, and I think all of us should have this question in mind and search for a complete answer. The truth is though, that we only ask about health when we have a serious problem. A official definition of health is given by The World Health Organization who defined health in its broader sense in 1946 as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity". For 1946 it was not a bad definition, but let's face it, times have changed and life has evolved since then, so today we have 2 new aspects of health to consider: emotional health and spiritual health. If we take a step back and try to see the "big picture" we realize that each aspect of health influences the other aspects, for example if someone has an emotional problem it will cause physical problems, spiritual problems, mental problems and social problems too, so it's very important to solve the

Rationing Health Insurance For Texas Has Profound Consequences

Texas houses the world's largest medical campus with 14 hospitals and three medical schools spread across 14 square blocks. The Texas Medical Center draws former first ladies and even Arab sheiks to their high-tech facilities with aquariums and spraying fountains.However, for more than six million Texans without Texas health coverage, these world-class health care institutions remain largely out of reach. Texas is still the state with the highest percentage of population without health coverage. During Governor Rick Perry's tenure, the 24.6 percent uninsured rate boomed to 35 percent this year. In human terms, that translates to one out of three people lacking health insurance for Texas in Harris County, which includes Houston.Dr. Leonard Zwelling, an oncologist at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, expressed it this way: "Houston is such a rich city, with some of the best medical care in the world... And yet the people without insurance have a heck

Affordable Health Insurance Makes Arrangement for Future Health Security

Financial issues are the most crucial and the sensitive issues in life. Everyone wants to save money for which they think of alternatives. In an attempt to curtail the expenses in life, one should not ignore the health care requirements. If in life, a person falls ill or faces any severe health ailment, the medical bills poses as a challenge. Admission to a hospital and seeking treatment is not in everyone's reach today. Any unforeseen event in life results in all savings getting vanished away in mere few days. In such cases the health cover acts as a weapon against uncertain monetary risk.People tend to ignore the beforehand preparation for any health risk. Most of them prefer to pay the hospital expenditure from their pocket. This is the result that they do not realize the relevance of a health cover. The medical treatment cost stands above as compared to the premium cost. An affordable health insurance provides financial security with the benefit of quality treatment.The in

What Will Tennessee Health Insurance Do With Health Care Reform?

A study by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee takes an in-depth assessment of the possible effects that national health care reform could mean for Tennessee residents. The study estimates that 683,000 Tennesseans will get new Tennessee health insurance coverage under health care reform. It also focuses on possible changes in access to medical care, as well as the shift from employer-provided TN health insurance to the state exchange.Dr. Steven Coulter, president of the Tennessee Health Institute, conducted the study entitled "National Health Care Reform: The Impact On Tennessee." According to Coulter, the study explores how the expansion of Medicaid and the establishment of the TN health insurance exchange in 2014 will affect the residents of Tennessee.Coulter says that since the advent of Medicare in 1965, the Patient Protect and Affordable Care Act has been the largest expansion of entitlement programs. "With the expected increase in consumers eligible for Medica

Enjoy the Health Security With the Basic Health Insurance

The health care costs are going beyond the affordability scale for many people. They find it difficult to seek quality medical treatment. The uninsured are more likely to face such challenges as they have to pay the medical expenses from their pocket. The high medical cost makes them lose a major part of their savings. Thus the uninsured gets under the monetary stress whenever fallen in need of health care. The ratio of uninsured being more than the insured, reflects the possibility of higher number of people facing the financial challenge during emergency.In coming years the medical expenses are going to step up further. Thus the quality treatment is going to be highly unaffordable for majority of people. To resolve this critical problem, basic health insurance is an appropriate tool. It plays the role of a rescuer that safeguards people from the monetary strain. It is essential for people to understand the relevance of a health cover. It is of much use for people in case of any